I. Beginner Course: Introduction To Management
This course is designed for participants who are or will be making the transition from technician to supervisory management. Providing the necessary skills and techniques for building confidence as a supervisor; and recognizing the difference between line staff and supervisory management.
It's tailored to assist new supervisors and managers in identifying their roles, responsibilities and classify them into easily achievable stages of development to approach their new role with confidence.
II. Intermediate Course: Supervisory Management
This course will equip participants with proven supervisory techniques that they can put into action immediately. The skills that savvy supervisors use to plan, organize, communicate and monitor will become part of their toolkit to effectively manage everyday interactions with greater ease. Upon course completion candidates will be able to:
Understand the management skills needed to succeed in a rapidly changing environment
Learn to plan, organize, coordinate, communicate and monitor
Learn skills in giving constructive criticism
Learn techniques to help them cope with difficult employees
Use delegation for effective employee development, time management and motivation
Increase job satisfaction and work output through coaching
III. Advance Course: Advance Supervisory Management
This advanced level course provides the effective framework for continuous development of managers and supervisors. It is geared primarily to enhance high-level individual performance and to engage managers and supervisors in assisting their team to maximize performance. The course covers skills that enable them to manage their time, solve problems, plan strategically, and communicate with their team in a more effective manner.
For more information about our management training services, contact us here.